Sunday, October 16, 2011

Have Your Car Work for you...

So we have our wonderful window vinyl's and even our magnent on the side of our car. Great for zipping around town and promoting our buisness. Yet we can take it one more step...

A few weeks ago the hubby and I were eating out for lunch. I of course insisted we drive my car so I could advertise. I wore my catalogues on board tshirt and even left a catalogue, sample and buisness card for our waitress.

As we were leaving I noticed a woman looking at my shirt who was getting into a car parked next to ours. So I whipped out a sample/catalogue/buisness card and asked her if she wanted one. She was very excited then mentioned how she saw my car on her way in... LIGHT BULB. If I had a way to leave my catalogues and buisness cards on my advertising machine would I reach the people who just walked by when I was either in eating or when I am out shopping.

So off to Amazon & google shopping searches I go and behold... my find.
I love how I can just leave this in the car and hook it on my window as I'm popping in and out running errands. I bought the smaller brouchure one and it will hold 5 catalogues. Just got it today and decided to try it out when we ran out for about an hour to Wal-mart. Came back and two catalogues had been taken!!!

Fingers crossed for new customers.  Find it HERE

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